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Each year around this time Memorial Day spearheads the summer. For those of us in the Crossfit community, it usually means trudging through some terrible namesake workout of a fallen hero. We pay tribute with sweat and maybe some blood, then make our way back home to our families and loved ones. Some of us tie a ribbon, light a candle or thank a veteran who lost some brothers. After a good summer barbeque and a few beers, that’s probably as far as the reverence goes. Who are we memorializing… a statue at the park or large monolith with engraved names? Unless you’ve lost someone close, there is a disconnection. Putting a face and a story to the name on the wall gives the holiday much more gravity.

Memorial day gives us the opportunity to take a moment out of our busy lives and think about those that paid the ultimate price for our liberties. On that day the sons and daughters we’ve lost are alive in our thoughts and survive through our deeds. What if we could do that more often? What if we could channel the selfless spirit of a true warrior day in and day out? What if we could and honor a lost brother or sister every time we lace it up and train? Now we can with Memorial Wraps.

Here are a few words about Memorial Wraps from Co Founder Arturo Fernandez:

“Memorial Wraps are more than a run of the mill weightlifting wrist wrap. (Memorial Wraps) is run by 3 veterans who all served in the 75th Ranger Regiment and have really big… hearts. When we aren’t busy saving the world we’re coordinating with non-profit organizations, trying to make life better for veterans returning to civilian life. $5 from the sale of each wrap will be donated to either the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund or the National Fallen Firefighter Foundation. Even though they aren’t trading bullets with the Taliban or standing in front of 3,000 degrees of pissed off chemical reaction, Memorial Wraps also donates to civilian organizations like supporting the battle against Leukemia, and other grass roots support groups for the community.”

Every wrap is a combination of impact and quality. All Memorial Wraps come with a 5” x 7” placard that tells the story of the hallowed and honored. Each Card Bears the story of the namesake wrap, explaining whom the soldier was both in and out of uniform, returning the humanity to a person whom otherwise may have been reduced to a name on the wall or a headstone.

Arturo Continues:

“I love this work, it’s one of the most meaningful things I’ve done since I left the military. I get to personally connect with people about their stories and the people they loved… It’s very rewarding and helps me with my own transition back to civilian life. I would like to say thank you to Travis and Justin who had some sage advice about our logo and how to make it look good in black and white. Most of all I’m proud to have this opportunity to bring the attention of the Crossfit community back to the LEOs, Firefighters, Military. I’m proud to honor and affirm people we’ve loved and lost. Please Feel reach out to us on Facebook or our website to get your custom order going. We would love to give you the opportunity to memorialize whoever you think is a great candidate to be proudly displayed on your wrists. Memorial Wraps can be contacted at and to like our Facebook page “Memorial Wraps” and to follow us @memorialwraps on instagram and twitter.

Who will you memorialize?

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  1. laura goulding

    Love this idea! And…I was looking to get some wraps anyhow. You can expect my order soon! Awesome job, Arturo!!

  2. Angela

    Thanks for sharing with us; what a great way to memorialize our fallen heroes.