Front Squat
Working Max (WM) = 90% of 1 RM
5 @ 75% WM
3 @ 85% WM
1+ @ 95% WM
7 Rounds:
7 Deadlift 95/65
7 Hang Power Clean 95/65
7 Front Squat 95/65
7 Push Jerk 95/65
Most of you have probably been wondering where I have been. On October 13th, I had surgery for hemorrhoids. The pain had gotten to be so bad and other therapies weren't working, that I had no other choice but to have surgery. And, as you can imagine, the recovery has not been pleasant! The surgeon wasn't lying when she said it was going to be a very painful recovery. In fact there were times when I had to ask Pat to remind me that I am tough. So, I have come a long way and am feeling much better, but am not yet all the way recovered. I lost 10 pounds in that first week- most women probably don't stand on the scale and cry thinking, "Only 150?? I worked HARD for those 10 lbs!" And when I look in the mirror- I find myself flexing less.