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Mobilize The Fam

For Time:
Run 1200m
150 Double Unders
30 Burpees
Run 800m
100 Double Unders
20 Burpees
Run 400m
50 Double Unders
10 Burpees


 Since I am a CrossFitter, I naturally talk about CF to my friends and family all the time. I preach that they should do it and that it will change their lives as I'm sure many of us do. Instead of just telling them to do it, next time I want you to try to get them to actually do something right then and there. Doesn't have to be an olympic lift or something else that requires high skill. Perhaps just some mobility.

 The above pic is of my grandmother doing one of our favorite streches at CFES: quad/hip. Before this stretch I noticed her leaning more on one side of her body and had to go down the stairs one step at a time while holding onto the handrail(she had to put both feet on each step before going down to the next one). After doing the quad/hip stretch 2 minutes per side, as well as some assisted squat therapy, she was able to walk up and down the stairs without holding onto the rail. She didn't have to put both feet on each step either, so her efficiency  immediately doubled. It was amazing to see the night and day difference in just 5 minutes of work. So spread the word and make your friends and family better moving humans. They may pay more attention to your CF rants, or they might end up joining us in this crazy cult we can't get enough of.

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  1. ok, that’s just plain awesome!

  2. brother mike

    I remember when you first mentioned this and I was amazed at the instant improvement your grandmother made. I hope you got her okay to post a picture of her in her pajamas on the internet though.
    Also, in relation to the WOD: Travis, thanks for preparing us for the zombie apocalypse. As we all know, rule number 1 is cardio:

  3. Today’s WOD was calf-tastic. On behalf of everyone who did the Newbie Throwdown, thanks Travis!

  4. itstanman

    Moxie Madness sounds like fun. I would be interested in it if we could field a team. From the spots left, looks like registration would be required in next couple of days. Only 10 spots left for novice…

  5. Bryan Turner

    Harlan would like to know if she’s available.

  6. Itstanman

    For the second year, ESPN is running the CrossFit Games live on ESPN3 and in 30-minute episodes on ESPN2 in September.
    The 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games will air for three days on ESPN3, Friday, July 13 through Sunday, July 15. The shows will feature the men’s and women’s competitions, along with the teams, analysis, highlights and interviews.
    Each day, the ESPN3 shows will have at least six hours of highly produced coverage. Here is the full schedule (Note: All times are Eastern.)
    Friday, July 13: 5:15 – 11:15 p.m., ET
    Saturday, July 14: 1:30 – 5 p.m. and 8:30 – 11:30 p.m., ET
    Sunday, July 15: 1:30-7:30 p.m., ET
    ESPN3 is available at no additional cost to fans who receive their Internet or video subscription from an affiliated provider in the U.S. (Find a full list here.)

  7. Joy

    What a good grandson you are…your grandmother must be proud!

  8. Claudia

    Your grandmother will appreciate the mobility and flexibility she gains. I know I did and continue to do so. Go Grandmothers!!!!!