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Sumo Deadlift    

Max Set Deadlift @ 85% of 3RM
Max Set Deadlift @ 65% of 3RM

3 Rounds:
1 Min Max Box Jumps 24"/20"
1 Min Rest
1 Min Max Pull Ups
1 Min Rest

Gay samEnahance your recovery ability, unlock your range of motion and have greater access to your body with YOGA!  This class will focus on breathing to enhance recovery and mobility exercises specific to CrossFit.

Sam Scholtes is both a yogi and strength trainer who's passion and knowledge of Tai Chi, Pilates, Yoga and Thai massage has brought great success to many of his clients.  He has traveled to India, Nepal, Thailand, Tibet, Laos, Taiwan and Indonesia to foster a greater understanding of his passion for healing.  He is highly trained at functional movements since he trains hard with kettlebells, dumbells and is an avid rock climber.  Although he is not CrossFit Certified, he is far from a globo trainer and has a good grasp of what we do here at CrossFit. We are lucky to have him and welcome these techniques to increase recovery, mobility and decrease the likelyhood of injury.  Please join us for this new class to be offered on WEDNESDAY NIGHT 6:45PM and SUNDAYS at 9:30AM!

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  1. EricH

    This is a really great addition guys, thanks! Going to make for a wonderful Sunday morning and welcome to the family Sam.

  2. Picco

    That is fantastic! Thank you. Can’t wait to check it out (and all of the other awesome new classes) when my shoulder is better. Something to look forward to!

  3. Pretty sure DaveW and Roger just rolled over in their respective graves.

  4. brother mike

    Wait, neither Dave nor Roger are in graves. I will check in with Roger and report back if he doesn’t take a break from pushing his Touraeg long enough to post here.
    Also, CF West Sac is organizing an outside the box WOD as part of the Rebuild the McKinley Playground efforts. Check out the details here:

  5. donna

    Yay! A sunday class!! 🙂

  6. This is a really awesome offering. Thanks for making CFES our home for everything we want to train in!

  7. brother mike

    Diamond of the Tough WOD #2 down. 1950# total for the 2 x 5 EMOTM squat cleans. 232 calories for the 10 minute row (went through 2k in 6:50). For those yet to go who want advice on pacing: I watched the 500m split time and switched units at the end of the WOD, I am a pretty decent rower and I went through 2k at 2 seconds slower than my PR 2k so a little slower than 2k is probably a good guide.

  8. Attn CFES family! Casey and I have been running ragged with activities every weekend for the past who knows how long, and are in need of rest! We’re registered for CrossFit Anywhere’s Adventure WOD on Sept. 15th and are looking for a male/female team to take our place. This will be the easiest way for us/Blair Morrison to do it. The cost is $120 which you would just give to us. We’ve already paid Blair to secure the event registration. Please let Casey or I know if you’d like to throw down!… and — thank you!

  9. Jessica

    So excited! Welcome, and thank you 🙂 namaste