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Movement Proficiency Test #1

For Time:
35 Handstand Push Ups
70 GHD Sit Ups
Row 2000m

Here is the first in the series of videos that we will be putting out to explain the testing process for the CFES General Proficiency Test.  Passing of this test will be required for CFES members to gain access to the Level I Class program.  These videos are designed to show you proper execution of the exercises and show you how the tests will be performed. 

The first few videos are going to be on the Movement Proficiency Tests which will be pass/fail.  There will also be a series of diagnostic fitness tests that will assess a variety of skills and determine work capacity.  All movement tests must be passed to attend the Level I class program.  Diagnostic tests will require you to meet standards in 8 out of 10 skills to pass.  Those who cannot pass The Movement Proficiency Tests, and the diagnostic portion of the test will attend Foundations classes where they will drill and work their weaknesses.  The Foundations program will offer intense WODs that are individualized and intended to help the participants pass all requirements of the CFES General Proficiency Test.

Movement Proficiency Test #1 from CrossFit East Sac on Vimeo.

Movement Proficiency Test #1 – Squats
The squat is the most fundamental of functional movements. Squatting correctly should be considered a pre-requisite to all other movements. Inability to squat with proper is an indicator of poor muscle balance, lack of mobility, and poor muscle activation. All of these things lead to poor movement in general and can cause injury when performing everyday tasks. Gaining the mobility and control over ones muscles to a degree of proficiency in the squat helps to correct these problems, and create a better athlete who is more resilient to injury.

Do not take the squat variations lightly, they can be quite challenging to learn. Although some people will come into the gym and learn the squat quickly, others will struggle. Those who have severely tight or weak posterior muscles will have to work very hard to create a proper squat position. If you find it hard to master the squat, do not despair, just keep working, listen carefully to your coach, and your persistence will pay off. The physical benefits you will gain from mastering these movements will prove monumental in your fitness.

Here is a demonstration of what we will be looking for in the test and a list of the "points of performance" that we will be watching for to deem you proficient in the squat variations.

Points Of Performance: (apply to all squat variations)
Maintenance of lumbar curve
Weight in heels
Knees out
Full range of motion

Movements and Requirements:
5 Reps Air Squat (@ 1:24)
-Must demonstrate all points of performance simultaneously

5 Reps Front Squat 45/33 (@ 3:45)
-Proper front rack, bar rests on shoulders, not held in hands
-Elbows in front of bar
-All points of performance

5 Reps Overhead Squat 45/33 (@ 5:20)
-Demonstration of pass through grip measurement
-Bar held in proper overhead position over back of shoulders
-Shoulders active
-Elbows locked
– All points of performance

*Demonstration of Movement Proficiency Test #1 @ 9:22

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