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Movement Proficiency Test #5

AMRAP 15 Minutes:
Run 100m
5 Burpees
Run 100m
10 Pull Ups

Movement Proficiency Test #5 from CrossFit East Sac on Vimeo.

The glute hamstring developer is a widely used piece of equipment in the strength training world. We perform supplementary exercises on the GHD daily in our workout program. The movements are not especially complicated, but many of our members get confused about which movement is which, and how to perform the movements correctly. The main purpose for including this in the test is so that we can assume that you know how to perform these movements without instruction or supervision. We need to be able to focus our attention on more technical aspects of the workout.

Confusion often arises when trying to differentiate between the hip extension and the back extension. Just remember, the name of the movement refers to the joints in your body that will be in motion. On the hip extension, your spine is locked into a neutral position, and your body rotates at the hip joint. On the back extension, you will unlock your lumbar curve and you will be moving the joints of the spine. Seems simple enough, but we get asked nearly every day, “which one is back extension again?” Just take a second and think about the name of the exercise, and which part of your body we are referring to.

Another concern that is pretty simple to learn, yet many mistakes have been made, is to make sure the machine is adjusted correctly to fit your body. Since we are all different shapes and sizes, each person will need to make sure the machine is adjusted to fit their body and that the adjustment is appropriate for the specific exercise you intend to perform.

Hip Extension:
Adjust machine so the hip joint is even with the front of the leg roller
Maintain lumbar curve
Rotate down at the hip joint
Rotate up until your body is in a straight line with your legs

Back Extension:
Adjust machine so the hip joint is even with the front of the leg roller
On the way down,
-Round you neck down first
-Round your upper back down next
-Round your lower back last
On the way up,
Straighten the low back first
Straighten the upper back next
Straighten out the neck last.

Glute Ham Raise:
Adjust the machine so your knees rest on the knee pad
Start with a full range of motion hip extension
At the top of the hip extension,
push your knees down and raise your body into an upright position
Straighten your knees so your body is horizontal,
and begin again

GHD Sit-Up:
Adjust machine so your glutes hang off the roller and you are resting on your hamstrings
Lay back with your knees bent upward
Straighten or extend your knees aggressively
Sit up

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