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Newbie Throwdown

5 @ 85% WM
3 @ 85% WM
1+ @ 95% WM

3 Rounds For Time:
10 Deadlift 275/185
50 Double Unders

Some of you may want to do this, some may never, but we all have to start somewhere!

Our community is like no other.  The reason it is so strong is because we have good leaders at the top.  Crossfit Community leads the way by throwing amazing events like these games shown in the image above.  Providing a quality program where quality individuals can gather and seriously compete at something that rivals any professional sport.  That said, our community of CFES is 2nd to none with the quality leadership shown by Travis and Justin. These guys lead by example in their own workouts as well as passionately coaching each and everyone they come in contact with.  Recently, we hosted the SACTOWN THROWDOWN, it was a huge success to say the least.  As you look at the image above and perhaps even link to some of the photos of our recent throwdown… I see a HOLE in our community. I for one would like to see the NEW MEMBER in our gym be a little more active when it comes to this community we have.  Let's face it, as Crossfit Grows and the competitions get crazier, what was once thought of as a BAD ASS CROSSFITTER is actually pretty damn average by today's standards.  It was considered amazing to have 5 people in a gym who could deadlift 400, run a Mile under 6:30 and knock 30 Pullups in a row.  Now that is considered par!  So how does one who is a NEWBIE get involved or even begin to think about attending a THROWDOWN? 



All members who are in foundations, members for less than a year or you have never competed in a throwdown but would like to… we are making a special throwdown for beginner/intermediate athletes to compete as a team.  Exact deatails will be determined by how many participants we have. Events will be tough but very fair.  Anyone who is new, don't be shy, this is how you can be involved without feeling like you are competing against the Crossfit Elite.  When you come to workout this week, take the time to list your name on the whiteboard designated to participate in the NEWBIE throwdown. You will be asked to list 3 class times you could possibly attend. You will workout together 1x per week for 6 weeks with your team and captain. (MILD COMMITMENT) Please list them in order of preference.  Example: CHRIS LENE (MON 4:30) (WED 5:30) (FRI 3:30)  You will then be contacted by your coach who will put you on a team that is fair and competitive.  Together, we all will train for 6 weeks preparing for the NEWBIE THROWDOWN comprised of 4-6 Team members in 3 Events throughout the day.  The winners will be determined by lowest possible points based on all 3 events.  Each event will have 3-5 NEWBIE ATHLETES AND 1 LEVEL ONE ATHLETE WHO WILL ALSO BE THEIR COACH!  Your COACH WILL COMPETE WITH YOU DURING THIS THROWDOWN!  There will be a COACHES Whiteboard also in which we will be asking 10-15 LEVEL ONE ATHLETES to become coaches for the next 6 weeks.  Coaches should have at least been attending CFES for over 1 year and have attended/competed in some sort of Crossfit Competition. In addition to coaches, Travis and I will be conducting 3 Saturday SKILL classes for anyone wishing to have OPEN GYM to work on skill they are scared might pop up in the Throwdown.  These classes will be announced next week.  These classes are for people who are participating in the throwdown only.  

Let's break in the Newbies and welcome them the right way to this community.  The reality is… 80% of our members are not able to train like Justin or Travis… but this doesn't 80% of our members should sit on the sidelines and watch.  I assure you, participating in a competition in front of your peers will inspire you like nothing you have done.  I am looking forward to seeing our commuity grow and get stronger as we reach a larger demographic and crossfit becomes the norm rather than than some CRAZY SPORT only done by elite athletes.  Good luck and special thanks to Joan Abate for coming up with the LEVEL ONE COACHING IDEA! I know several of you are exctied to step up and help some of our new members get better. 

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  1. Brian

    That is awesome Chris. Yes, the CF community has grown very large and that Cherie and I know that this community has fostered great friendships that we cherish.

  2. Roger

    Great idea Joan and Chris! definitely want to see this!

  3. brother mike

    Wow, Lene has a computer that translates crayon (his preferred method of writing) into computer text. I’m impressed. I am also in for the competition, assuming I qualify (I’ve been here less than a year even if Travis says it feels like forever).

  4. Dana

    I’m game! And, yes Justin, I’ve actually been following the blog. 😉

  5. Liz

    This will be Fun.. I am in as a Level One athlete.. Look forward to meeting my team… Thanks Chris for putting this together.. Don’t suppose we’ll have a master division… Just saying 😉

  6. This shall be epic awesome. I’m so in on this.

  7. Ashley D

    I’m definitely, definitely in!!Thank you for coming up with and hosting this event! This post just made my morning : )

  8. Stephanie A.


  9. Uh-oh, is there a team for slowpokes? I’ll be in that one.

  10. Sean T.

    Without a doubt I am in!

  11. Adam Kreger

    Damn!! I want to do this SO bad but have a trip planned that weekend 🙁

  12. Chris Lene

    Brother Mike, I am impressed that you have done so well in this facility despite your lack of Social Skills. I assure you, you don’t want to wake a sleeping lion, I will be glad to verbally abuse on a regular basis. I guess I should be nice since it is quite clear that you only form of communication with the outside world is through this blog. Keep up the good work and I would be glad to SAY NO REP on everything you do in this competition. Feel bad when your team finds out they have you on it… although you will be a good asset, your “NO REPS” will result in what seems to be an actual handicap! Sorry guys!

  13. jen

    This is going to be an amazing day in the comment section. *grabs the popcorn*

  14. Oh, Bro Mike…. Burn.

  15. All you guys saying you are in for sure… please put your Name on the WHITEBOARD as soon as you walk in. We want to get an accurate account of who’s participating ASAP! Thanks

  16. brother mike

    Lack of social skills? Come on, I stopped drooling months ago and when social skills include snatch jokes and “that’s what she said” I am all over it.
    Besides, picking on the blog poster is like the box past time- even when the subject of the post is a great idea.
    Oh, and I think we might have a name for my team now: “TEAM NO REP!”

  17. Lesley Heller

    Chris: this is a great. I am in. I will sign up manana.

  18. Kyle Keller

    Wish I could do this one but I have a swim meet that day. Hopefully I will be able to make it back in time for the BBQ.

  19. 1. Social Skills? Need I repeat myself?
    2. You already responded
    3. Rest my case!

  20. I REALLY wish my body was back in working order……. maybe this time next year i will be able to do something like this! 🙁 Good luck to you all!

  21. Justin- nice work on the WODs today. I cannot imagine what 275# would have been like with no bounce.

  22. david mering

    Can old marginally competitive long time members compete as well?

  23. MattP – Please tell me you are busy working on a CF in the Future episode starring Lene and BroMike…lots of material here to work with.

  24. Chris: great idea. Thanks!

  25. Amy K

    Chris and Joan what a fun idea, such trend setters.

  26. this is a super good idea