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No Double Under, No Problem

9-6-3 For Time:
Deadlift 315/205
Muscle Up
Rest 3:00

Row 2000m
Rest 3:00

3 Rounds For Time:
10 Toes To Bar
50 Double Unders

Picture 6
We have prodded, prescribed, encouraged and shamed you, yet some of you still have not begun to master the double under.  I will admit, it can be a tricky skill to master.  I have seen some of the best athletes I know struggle to obtain this skill and eventually give up.  At the same time, I have witnessed non-athletes step into the gym for their first time and get double unders on day 1.  Well what's the big deal?

The big deal is that double unders are a great functional movement emphasizing speed, agility, and accuracy all while gassing you out.  Doing single unders really doesn't do much of anything except begin to prepare you for double unders.  Once you have some competency doing singles, no amount of singles in a WOD will produce the same effect as just a handful of double unders, until now.  Thanks to our fellow CrossFitters out in Elk Grove, we have a new way of jumping rope.  It is in the literal sense actually jumping rope, and it is hard.  Probably not quite as hard as double unders, but still hard enough to provide a good workout stimulus.

I am seceretly hoping these heavy ropes will be the new cure for those who suffer from a condition known as double under avoidance.

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