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No Excuses, Just Pure Determination

4 Rounds:
15 KB Swings 70/44
Row 250m
30 Double Unders
Rest 2:00 Minutes

This guy is a machine, and you all should take a page from his book.  Jeff is 3 weeks post wrist surgery caused by a fall on his race bike.  Check out the scar on the wrist, this was no minor incision.  He was back in the gym within days of the surgery, one arm rowing, snatching, pressing, doing whatever he could, and not worrying about what he couldn't do.  This man refuses to sit at home and let his body rot away while all of his hard work in the gym fades away.  I hope some of you who deal with pain or injury can take a page out of Jeff's book. 

CrossFit is infinitely scalable and modifiable.  There is almost no injury too great to workout.  You simply need to learn to focus on what you can do, and be patient about giving the injured area time to heal.  Also it is important to actively seek professional help and guidance for rehabbing the affected areas.  Jeff's wrist doesn't have much range of motion yet, but he can hold on under tension and can bear some weight without pain.  He has been performing lifts with his one good arm until yesterday when he felt good enough to bear some weight.  We modified the power clean to a light power snatch and used bands reduce the force involved while simulating ring dips.  Jeff was able to do pull ups with minor discomfort.

The point here is don't sit at home rotting away and feeling bad for yourself.  If you intend to get in shape you cannot let pain and injury hold you back.  Get off your broken butt and figure out what you still can do.  Get to professional therapists and do what they tell you to do like its your job.  Let us modify the workouts to keep your fitness from backsliding too much.  You will heal faster and be back on track towards kicking ass in the gym in no time.  If Jeff had decided that he was just going to take a few weeks off, the healing process would be taking longer, and he would be starting over from scratch when he returned to the gym.  Instead he is making great healing progress and maintaining his fitness level at the same time. 

If you run into pain or injury, do not be afraid to come into the gym and let us work around it with you.  Just get determined, quit making excuses, and do what needs to be done.

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