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Don’t Be A Resoluter

AMRAP 15 Minutes:
21 Ring Dips
400m Run
50 Air Squats

New-years-resolutions Every new year the same story in the gym.  When the date on the calendar changes, the gym becomes crowded with fresh hopefuls who are filled with exuberance and motivation regarding their fitness goals for the year. 

This phenomenom tends to last until the end of February, and by the middle of March the gym is left back to the regulars, with a new face or two.

What happens to all the New Year's newbies with all their motivation and energy?

Now, I am all for goal setting and I love motivated people.  However I am jaded from my experience with New Years resoluters who I have watched fail themselves time and time again.  Starting a new year seems to symbolize a new chapter and a time to set new goals.  The truth is, a change in the date on the calendar does not provide the necessary motivation required for one to successfully incorporate a fitness program into their lives.  It provides enough motivation to get them here just long enough to realize how hard losing that belly is really going to be. 

A couple weeks of exercising will barely start to scratch the surface for someone with a weight loss goal of 50 lbs.  It is long enough that they have developed a clear understanding of just how long and hard the road ahead is going to be.  This is when you can visibly see their newly found momentum and motivation regress.  As their gym visits become less frequent each day in the gym becomes harder to bear, and before you know it, they will give up again. 

The truth is, a change in the year only provides temporary motivation to change.  A New Year's resolution really is only a goal that someone decided to put off until the first of the year, it's really more of a wish than a goal.  Someone who truly is motivated enough to start a committed fitness regimen, is not likely to wait until January 1st to pull the trigger.

If you are starting a new fitness program at this time, I urge you not to think of this as a New Year's resolution.  Start now!  Start in a way that makes the statement, "this is important and it cannot wait."  Realize that the majority before you have tried and failed.  Realize that your goal is monumental in size before you start, and be prepared to deal with the day when you don't feel like going to the gym.  When the going gets tough, the tough get going, and believe me it's going to get tough. 

A key to success in achieving long term monumental goals is to break them up into short term manageable goals that are not so overwhelming.  Having worked with over 1000 people in this industry, I can tell you that the ones who have remained consistent for the first 3 months are the most likely to stick with it and achieve their long term goals.  Start with a 3 month commitment to showing up at every workout, and making up any day you miss.  Anyone who cannot stay committed for the first 3 months will be a goner for sure.  At 3 months you will have formed the habit of exercising and you will be able to see the fruit of your labor.  Seeing real results is more motivating than anything, and it will keep your head in the game.

As for all of you who are already here and rockin', we promise not to subject you to the resolution crowd.  The last two New Years we have signed up hopeful wishers like crazy.  We packed the house and killed ourselves trying to get these people up to speed and keep them motivated only to see most of them fail and quit the same way they did before at the globo gym.  We will be accepting only 8 new members in January, the same way we do every month, and from January 1st on forward we will be enforcing a 3 month minimum commitment to the membership. 

As for the January On-Ramp, there are still a few spaces left.  Statistacally speaking, referrals from you all have made the best members.  So if you know anyone, have them call right away, but make sure they are in this for more than a wishful resolution.

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