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Optimizing Our Space

5 Rounds:
Max Set Pull Ups
90 sec Rest
Max Set Ring Dips
90 sec Rest

3 Rounds Each For Time:
10 Each KB Snatch 53/35
1 Mile AirDyne Sprint
Rest As Needed

Empty space is key to running a successful group training facility.  We have lots of it as long as unused equipment is stowed properly.  Another awesome thing is having lots of toys, which we do, but it's only awesome if they are out of the way when not in use.  During this rainy season as we will often lose our outdoor space, it is crucial that everyone pitches in with putting stuff away efficiently.

Here's how the shelf, AirDyne/GHD area should be looking.  Heavy heavy ass KB's, 62 and above, go in the shed.  Please take care in placing DB's and KB's nicely in the shelving area we don't want you to lose any fingers or toes, nor do we want the next person who comes along to lose any.

Here's how the pull up bars should be looking.  Notice there aren't unused bands littered and hanging everywhere.  The rings pushed aside so you can walk.  I made the boxes stack-able for storing, biggest on bottom.  Please do not jump or sit on the boxes while stacked, cause they will probably break and you will fall and die and I will laugh because you have been warned and I think survival of the fittest is awesome and funny.

Notice how the rowers take up half the space when you stagger the bases.  I know this is rocket science/brain surgery, but I think you all are really smart capable individuals and can figure this puzzle out.  Keep the whiteboard area clear so we can get to it.  There's nothing worse than when your coach gets here at 5:58 AM (6:02 for Travis) and there is a huge pile of rowers right where we need to get to write the warmup and 12 of you stand around watching us move them out of the way 1 by 1… yeah you know who you are.

IMG_0359And finally the shed.  Please stack things nicely around the edges of the shed instead of throwing them right into the entry way.  Nobody ever moves things out of the doorway area to get to the other things in the back.  We just climb in and carry an 80# sharp metal sled back out while climbing over things and walking on medicine balls for months at a time, just asking Darwin to strike us down.

All in all, I don't care that everything is just so.  I just need to make sure there is enough space so we can operate a safe training environment and keep everyone happy.  The matter of keeping the gym organized really falls onto our staff (you hear that staff?) but we need your help as well.  Please take pride in the facility we provide to you all and pitch in to keep the place open and organized.  It really only takes a few extra seconds out of your lives, and it's really very helpful.  If everyone pitches in and takes pride in the gym, will all be happy and nobody will die… at least they will be less likely to die.

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