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Squat Clean 3-3-2-2-1-1-1

3 Rounds For Time:
1/2 Mile Airdyne (Or Row 500m)
15 Box Jumps 24/20
15 Ring Dips
50 Double Unders 


 I think Matt Marabito is happy to be done with the open. He said his hands started to rip on the first round of chest to bar pullups of 12.5. Way to power through the pain. Next time get yourself a callous trimmer from CVS.

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  1. brother mike

    Okay, let’s just get a few out of the way.
    Nice handburger.
    No glove no love.
    Get a big bottle of nu-skin and it’ll fix that right up. Either that or grab onto a hot flaming poker- it will feel the same.
    Good job completing another year of the open all. I know I am glad to be done, maybe next year they will listen to me and go to 4 weeks, although 5 was better than 6 (which equalled 7 weeks last year due to the website issues and extending the reporting period for WOD 11.1).
    It has been a great five weeks, I have really looked forward to the comradery and enthusiasm each Saturday (whether I was doing the WOD or just coming down to support and hang out with the rest of you).
    I am not sure about everyone else, but I am going to take a week or two to look through how I did- enjoy the improvement from last year and then start to look at what I need to improve upon for Open WOD 13.1.

  2. Tear-ible. Thanks for comin out, Matt.

  3. EricH

    Matt, that was freaking gnarly to watch. Once I started seeing blood on your shirt I was half hoping you’d do the reasonable thing and call it quits. Nope. Nice work gutting it out …

  4. brother mike

    I hear there was a shirtless mom at the box on saturday. . . confirm?

  5. EricH

    Damn it, I miss all the good stuff … *kicks rock*

  6. Broski: confirmed. Shirts vs. Skins.

  7. brother mike

    1- My mom finished the Open and then pulled a Brandy Chastain at the box this weekend. What did your mom do?
    2- And you guys wonder from whence my odd sense of humor came . . .

  8. You call that humor? I have another name for it…

  9. Lippmann- its a genetic mutation… clearly.

  10. Matt: nice work.
    I suppose it’s only right for me to point out that on Saturday I did the WOD at the same time Justin did. He had a higher score. Nice work Justin!

  11. I obviously left too early. XoSO taught me some mean beer pong moves. Drat.