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Out In the Wild

3-5-7-9-9-7-5-3 For Time:
Unbroken Chest to Bar Pull Up
*If you break a set, you must rest and repaet the set until you get it unbroken

5 Rounds:
1 Min Row For Max Cal
1 Min Ring Push Ups

Here's the gang from the trail run out at Salmon Falls on Saturday.  They seemed a bit confused in this shot.  Could be the lack of sugar in our blood, or maybe the altitude, but that is Adam K and Brooks staring off into outer space.  Cherie, Derek and Kyle are staring into the sun as if they were on PCP.  Loren and Alice are greeting the mountain bikers.  Travis is making sure his numb feet are still there, and poor Alley is trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with all these people. 

We are shown here at the North end of Lake Folsom between the South and Middle forks ot the American River flow into the lake.  We ran 4.7 miles out from where we parked.  The second half of the run had some intense hill climbing bringing us from the lake level up to about 1400 feet elevation.  Doesn't sound that high, but give it a shot some time, this hill just keeps coming at you.   The run out took us between 50 minutes and an hour with Kyle Keller leading the charge.  We walked back to the cars at a lesuire pace enjoying the outdoors and good company.  It really is good to get out sometimes.  Thanks to you all for coming out.

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