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Perpetual Torture

Run a 100m sprint every 45 seconds for 10 minutes

4 Rounds:
10 Toes To Bar
5 Stone Shoulder 155/115
20 Sledge Hammer Strikes 10/8

A couple weeks ago, Mark Bell had Trav and I doing some sled rows while having a partner fight back with a green band.  I had planned for some of our atheltes to do this as part of their workout yesterday.  After being used as the partner 2x, I figured I would just tie the band to the pull up structure and have them go to town that way.

We had put a pair of 20# DB's under 2 plates so we could attach the band under the plates.  3,2,1 Go! Tabata Banded Sled Rowing.  Give it a shot some time.  It's alot like a stand up rowing machine but the inertia of the sled along with the intense resistance and eccentric loading created by the band make it feel even more defeating than a rower.

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