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Pistol Progressions

Rest Day

Whether you are a firebreathing monster, or just beginning, we can adapt any workout or any movement to your level.  Above are some of the variations we used yesterday for the pistol, or one legged squat to below parallel.  There are many more variations that are easier, harder, and everything in between that could be used, but these worked well for most people. 

The women in the top picture are shown using a gymnastic ring to help them keep their weigh back on the heel and stay balanced.  This is one of the easiest ways to begin building strength for a one legged squat while keeping the movement safe.  In the middle on the left, Doug is doing a one leg balance step-up.  He is lightly touching his foot to the floor while trying to maintain pressure on his heel.  This variation allows someone with severely tight hamstrings to work on the one legged strength and balance required to do a pistol while avoiding the flexibility aspect of the exercise.  In the middle right picture, Ryan is doing the pistol while elevated on a box.  Here he can start to work on the additional challenge of holding the other leg out in front, but he doesn't have to hold it as high as he would flat on the floor.  This variation is great for a strong athlete who is a bit tight in the posterior and can't quite hold their foot up when flat on the floor.

Next of course we have the firebreathers in the bottom pic shown doing pistols as Rx.  Keep following the progressions and working on the mobility of the posterior chain, and you too will be doing legit pistols one day.

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