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Please Steer Wide Right and Ignore Them

Front Squat De-Load
5 @ 40% WM
5 @ 50% WM
5 @ 60% WM

For Time:
20 Squat Cleans 185/115
40 GHD Sit Ups
60 Box Jumps 24/20

Picture 2
There was a minor incident yesterday involving one of the yoga patrons from down the parking lot.  She was having trouble parking her car which was made worse by a bunch of us running around her car.  Now we all know there is plenty of room and time for us all to park and run and get along, but this isn't always how it goes down.

I was not outside when it all started so I can't say exactly what happened, but I know the woman was disgruntled and yelling, and I know some of you gave her a piece of your minds back. 

Now I really wouldn't give a shit, but these busy bodies will find a way to make trouble for us, they always do.  They will call the land lord, they will call the city, they will call the police, they will call anyone who can't say "I don't give a shit, get over it."  The yoga owner already came by last night to speak with the owner, lucky for Travis and I, we weren't there.  She will waste as much of our time as she can telling us the story over and over looking for an apology and a solution.  I will try to refrain from suggesting that they wait until runners pass by to try and park, then I will then have choke myself to keep from telling her that maybe they should teach driving lessons instead of downward dog.

In the future, if you see a hybrid, or a 1980's mini-van pulling in, just try to run way out around them.  They can't fathom what the heck we are doing and they won't have any patience if they have to wait a few seconds for us to run by.  If they are unsuccessfully pulling in and out of a parking spot over and over, they are likely to be even more agitated by us. If they feel the need to shout out, just keep doing what you're doing.  Bite your tongue and don't respond, it will make my life easier.  Take satisfaction in the fact that ignoring them will make them even more angry and give them less ammo when they are calling whoever will listen to complain.  Besides, you should be breathing way too hard to be having a verbal exchange with anyone.

Namaste Motherfuckers

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