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Progression Is The Key

5 Minutes:
Row 1000m
Max Handstand Push Ups
Rest 2:30
4 Minutes:
Row 800m
Max Handstand Push Ups
Rest 2:00
3 Minutes:
Row 600m
Max Handstand Push Ups
Rest 1:30
2 Minutes:
Row 400m
Max Handstand Push Ups
Rest 1:00
1 Minute:
Row 200m
Max Handstand Push Ups

Handstand Push-Up Progressions from Laura Nielsen/Outlaw CrossFit on Vimeo.

Here are a few ideas on scaling the Handstand Push Up.  Although it is important to practice getting inverted, the real strength pre-requisite to handstand push ups is regular push ups.  If you can't do regular push ups with good form and full range of motion, get some mastery over that first and practice getting inverted separately in your warmups or after class.

If you have solid push ups and are comfortable in a handstand position, its time to start using progressions.  Piking from a box is a good starting place, but you also will need other types of HSPU variations, if you are ever going to get to CF style Handstand Push Ups.

Using bands is a good way to start to approach the HSPU, there are a couple ways to do this and some may require spotting.  Another way to start building strength is by learning to kip HSPUs.  Play with variations with your stomach towards the wall.

Another important element of training the strength required for good HSPUs is alignment.  You must form a triangle between your hands and where your head touches the floor.  If your head is coming down right between your hands, you are in a weak position and leaving out the majority of muscle mass available to press you up off the floor.  Keep a vertical forearm and move your head forward of your fingers as descend to the bottom of any HSPU variation.

In my opinion, one of the worst things you can do is shorten the range of motion by using AbMats or other objects.  Short range of motion exercise will not lead to full range of motion.  Find ways to increase range of motion yet still keep quality in your movements.  Add parallettes to the pike push up.  Kipping and bands will both help increase range of motion as well in an inverted HSPU progression.  Doing negatives or slowly lowering through a range of motion is also a good way to develop strength.  Just be careful not to land on your dome too hard or you'll be seeing your chiropractor.

If you are already a HSPU Jedi, well you might think you are, and you might even be in the CF world, but there is still so far to go.  The ultimate in HSPU would be freestanding full range of motion HSPU on parallel bars or parallettes.  Progressing beyond strict HSPU with your head to the floor may not be the best choice for a WOD because it would lower your power output, but you should always work to progress your skills.  After all if you are pretty good at CF style HSPUs, think how easy they could be if you were bad ass enough to be knocking out HSPU up on some parallel bars while balancing your entire body. 

Whatever level you are at, get creative and be persistent.  If you try different variations of the movement on a daily basis and force yourself to make the movements slightly harder on a regular basis, you can become a CF HSPU Jedi.  Whatever you do, lets be sure we aren't always recycling the same boring versions of the HSPU.  Ask your coach for help with progressions so you can make progress.

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