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Pull Ups For Days

21-15-9 of:
Squat Clean 135/95
Ring Dips

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Ashley Drummond, who came to us a marathoner, has mastered the kipping pull up in less than 4 months.  Ashley has shown tremendous potential in her short time here and is quickly gaining mastery over many of the CrossFit movements.  I think I see muscle ups in the future.

How To Do Pull Ups Like Ashley:
1)  Get adequately flexible in your shoulders so you can get a really sick swing like the one shown above.
2)  Throw your chest way out in front of the bar to load up energy.
3)  As you reach the front of the swing, in a snaking symphony of movement, quickly swoop the shit out of it with your feet, throw your knees up at the bar, and open your hips explosively.
5)  At this point, you are already halfway up and you got lots of momentum, so just pull you chin towards the bar as you float up and over it.
6)  Just as your chin comes to and over the bar, aggressively throw your self back like you saw a giant herpe it.
6)  Relax and float back in an ark with your feet floating out in front of you.
7)  As you reach the bottom of the swing, your position will naturally reverse and swing youright back into the starting position.
8)  Go again.
Note:  If you ARE NOT currently shredded… it won't hurt to drop a few El Bees.

Now, just follow the simple steps and you'll soon be doing pull ups all day long, just like Ashley.

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