5 Rounds:
15/10 Cal AirDyne
80 Yard Prowler 90/50
10 KB Swing 53/35
Ho Ho Hoooooooo…. it's time to offer up our swagger-ific gear to the
best box on earth (and the creative womb of HIPFIT) for a pre-Xmas sale!
After you're done sweating your ass off, swing on by our setup and shop
your face off. Soooo according to my calculations, there should be a
lot of ass-less, face-less bodies roaming the parking lot. Be sure to
take pictures. You're welcome.
Seriously though, we will have our goods in the house at CFES this
Saturday. Bring cash or card – we take it all. You'll save on shipping
costs plus you'll get an additional 20% off if you mention the secret
discount code: deep fried twinkies.
No code, no discount. We're for reals. And, as always, bring your
favorite adult beverage and enjoy some stimulating conversation and
workout advice from the HIPFIT crew. We for sure will add weight to
whatever the hell you lift and shave seconds from your whatever the hell
you care to time.
Remeber, buy our stuff and you can look like our friend Amy (in the
pictures). Worst case, you'll look pregnant like Hollis or Ryan.
Hopefully more like Hollis. Ryan's just plain ugly.
See you all then!