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Quite Possibly The Most Important Thing You Can Do For Yourself

Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1

Alternating Tabata:
Pull Ups
Box Jumps 24"/20"

Working out is the easy part.  Nutrition is quite a bit tougher.  Why is it that body maintenance, stretching, foam rolling seem to be the hardest thing to get you all to do regularly.  I will be the first to admit, I hate doing this stuff too.  But let me tell you, I could not have achieved or maintain the level of fitness I currently possess without much attention to body maintenance.  Many of you are going to be limited to your current level of strength and injury state if you do not start paying attention to, and caring for your body outside of exercise and nutrition.  Maintenance is a key piece of the fitness puzzle that is too often overlooked.  Lack of effort to improve range of motion and to properly care for injuries will lead to a premature demise of body function.  Use it or lose it folks.

CrossFit is like the top fuel drag racing of the fitness world.  If you
are not spending time maintaining your body, its like driving your race
car with emergency brakes on!  We have lectured you and shown you strategies to work through your specific issues.  We recommended professionals and specialists who can help work on your issues.  Yet many of you still fail to understand the importance of continued diligent maintenance routines.  It is time to step it up and stop ignoring your flexibility and injury management routines.   Its time to release the brakes and see what this machine can really do.

Sign up right now for the CrossFit Movement and Mobility Certification!  Its time to take an interest in body maintenance and get dedicated to proper care for your machine.  There are two dates up and coming near by.  The first will be in Santa Cruz on November 7th and the second in Chico January 30th.  I am signed up for the one in Chico on Jan 30th.  I would have went to the SC cert on Nov 7th, but we are planning to take teams of CFES athletes down to the CrossFit Moxie Grand Opening/Affiliate Competition. 

This cert may be the most important thing many of you can do to educate yourselves on advanced body cares.  Coach Kelly Starrett is a physical therapist and an amazing CrossFit athlete.  He understands well the stresses CrossFit places on our bodies and the specific challenges we face in functional fitness.  K-Star will stress to you importance of proper care your bodies, and show you advanced techniques to do so.  Go and learn from his expertise.  Do not hesitate!  Mark this on your calendars and register immediately.  These certifications are small, and CrossFitters from all over the world are going to be chomping at the bit to get into them.  They just opened up and will probably sell out in the next few days.  The registration cost $225 could be the best investment you will ever make considering the medical treatments that you may be able to avoid by applying the information you will learn.

Movement and Mobility Cert Registration/Info November 7th in Santa Cruz
(overlaps CF Moxie Grand Opening/Affiliate Competition)

Movement and Mobility Cert Registration/Info January 30th in Chico
(I will be attending this date)

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