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[March 14, 2012]

AMRAP 12 Minutes:
80 Yard Sled (Prowler 90/50, Dog Sled 45/25, Pull Sled 225/135)
5 Each KB Snatch 70/53

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  1. Topher – Thank you for taking the girls in your care out of the normal sports injury arena and into the box of functional movement; go IMPALAS!

  2. brother mike

    Young female athletes have such different issues as they develop than male athletes, it is great to see focus on the long term development of these girls made a priority as they enjoy playing. Keep up the great work Topher.
    Lene, thanks for sharing.

  3. brother mike

    Scott- I attempted a kettlebell snatch with the Angela weight kettlebell this morning. After hitting the 88# a few times, I got gutsy and thought I would try- no dice, but got it a little over waist high. Not sure how that figures into the whole Angela meta-measurement, I think it would require knowing what Angela’s kb snatch is if I understand the system.

  4. Topher: seriously really nice work coaching the girls. You are doing the work of the future.
    Justin Riley: based on your weight of 185, and your 12.3 score of 345, I’ve calculated a Felsted of .95 for you. So here’s the math:
    Adjusted score of 417.97 based on the weight difference of 115/75 * .32 (represents the amount of weight delta for the WOD), divided by your body weight coefficient of 1.64 (which represents the potential additional muscle mass you have).
    ((345 * 1.21) / 1.64)/243.
    Given the incredible athletic power of 1 Felsted, you did really great!

  5. Steph Baker

    If there’s any chance you could offer this for other teams, I would love (and pay) for my daughter’s softball AND soccer team to get some training. THANKS!

  6. Mike: well the Felsted is a measure of output, so we need Angela’s input. But my rough guess is that if you can do a 88# kb snatch, you’re about 1.4 Felsteds for that exercise. Cheers!

  7. Hope our coaches never get too tired of coaching – the invaluable lessons about proper form we learn at the box are being passed on to future generations. Topher, your work is priceless.

  8. Matt Brogan

    Topher- Great work! I have a 7 year old girl “athelete” as well and would definitely be interested in talking to you about the success you have had. Will catch up with you one of these mornings.

  9. Scott- reading your math is a lot like listening to most lawyers do math.. .a lot of conviction to numbers that clearly dont make any sense internally or externally.
    Justin- any chance we can get you to order a 44kilo KB? Bro Mike and I are having trouble with the jump from 88# to 106# on the one arm snatch.

  10. Adding to Matt’s inquiry: would be great if we got one 10 kg KB.

  11. Matt P: If it helps, close your eyes when you read it. All you need to know is that 1 Felsted is a lot of energy.

  12. brother mike

    Wait, some lawyers can do math.
    Dude, they need to hurry up and release 12.4 rumor has it that it will be a 5k run.

  13. Matt P: seriously, the math isn’t really the problem, it’s the assumptions. I’m assigning at .075 per pound coefficient. I picked that out of the blue based on my guess about lean muscle. No doubt there are other weak spots. But I think the theory has some merit.
    Mike: 5K run? Never done one of those. Good news for me: won’t impact my standings much either way (’cause I’m near the bottom).

  14. 12.4 is called “Nabeta”
    Amrap 12 minutes.
    150 wall balls
    90 double unders
    30 muscle ups

  15. donna

    WOD 12.4 just announced:
    MEN – includes Masters Men up to 54 years old
    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
    150 Wall balls (20lbs to 10′ target)
    90 Double-unders
    30 Muscle-ups
    WOMEN – includes Masters Women up to 54 years old
    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
    150 Wall balls (14lbs to 9′ target)
    90 Double-unders
    30 Muscle-ups
    MASTERS MEN – includes Masters Men 55+
    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
    150 Wall balls (20lbs to 9′ target)
    90 Double-unders
    30 Muscle-ups
    MASTERS WOMEN – includes Masters Women 55+
    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
    150 Wall balls (10lbs to 9′ target)
    90 Double-unders
    30 Muscle-ups

  16. 12.4. Well it’s simple, I’ll say that.

  17. No, no, not “Nabeta”…maybe “B Nabeta”. CFES did 1/2 Karen on 1/27/11 if you wanna check your journals and fill out your spreadsheet.

  18. Lesley Heller

    Well it is simple simply impossible.

  19. Laura B — you called it perfectly. A heavy workout with double-unders followed by muscle-ups. Uncanning. How did you know? Oracle is your new name.

  20. Carol Penney

    Damn,knew I should have been working on my muscle ups. 90 double unders, piece of cake. 10# wall balls for us old ladies, no problem! Oh! it’s twelve minutes? not 12 hours? Oh well, crank up the music I don’t want to hear myself breathe or cuss.

  21. Topher: as a dad of a 5 year old girl, this is eye opening. Thanks for the insight and more importantly, keep up the incredible work you are doing.