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Rolling On That IT Band Again?

With a Partner,
7 Rounds Each:
350/300m Row
10 DB Clean and Press
Rest while partner goes

shutterstock149230190Brooks sent me an interesting article yesterday regarding IT band pain.  I have to admit that I am guilty of rolling up and down my IT band as it has been bothering me for a few months now, as well as the TFL muscle shown in the picture.  Normally I wouldn’t say guilty, but I have been doing this for a while now and it only temporary helps.  Let’s just say, I knew I was treating a symptom, but it’s because I was (might still be) unsure of the cause.

The following article: Your IT Band is Not the Enemy (But Maybe Your Foam Roller Is), had some interesting information pointing towards a likely cause of IT band and TFL pain.  I tried the recommended exercise in the article and as dumb as it may look, it literally kicked my ass.  Gonna give it a shot for a little while and see if it helps.

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