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Tough Competition Yet Successful Performance on Day 1

For Time:
Run CFES to Lean On me
5 Mile Stationary Bike
50 Ball Slam
50 KB Swing
50 Burpee
Run Lean on Me to CFES

The women in the masters division proved to be fierce.  Cori went into the day knowing that she was one of the slighter competitors and was going into a heavy lifting competition with max shoulder to overhead, 135# front squats, and 95# power cleans.  Although it was an intimidating situation Cori got herself in the zone and performed her very best. 

She started the day off with the 2 minute time limit max shoulder to overhead lift.  Going with the snatch grip split jerk, Cori opened up with a successful lift at 135 to tie her current PR and then hit a strong 140 for a new PR.  She then went on to a WOD involving rope climbing and sets of 5 at 135# on front squats.  She handled the weight well for her size and strength.  Toward the end of the time limit, she ended up dropping a rep, rested for a second and went for a squat clean to get another rep and missed.  Right as time was about to expire, Cori grabbed the bar and went for the squat clean again and this time managed to gut one out right before time ran out.  It was a great show of awareness and fortitude even if she was out-squatted by most of the beasts out there.

Next WOD was a 1K row followed by 30 power cleans at 95 followed by 50 burpees.  The row was solid, she crushed the cleans and had a solid steady pace on burpees finishing in the middle of the pack.

Today will begin with a snatch ladder and will wrap up with a chipper involving 195# deadlifts, box jumps, and kb swings and all kinds of misery.  Although the monsters are likely to out lift Cori again to start the day, she is keeping her mind right and giving her best shot in hopes to earn a spot to compete in the finals on Sunday.

Overall Cori has kept herself in a great place mentally and has performed to the best of her abilities, which is what you hope for any of our athletes in this sport.

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