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RTFH Running Technique Course

Overhead 3-3-3-3-3-10

AMRAP 10 Minutes:
8 DB Bent Over Row 40/25’s
8 DB Push Press 40/25’s
8 Burpees

Rx+ 55/35’s

Hopefully you have heard the concepts in the image above.  These concepts are easy to visualize and understand, but can be very difficult to actually implement.  If you want to actually learn to run properly, it is going to take a significant amount practicing of skills and drills.

I will be offering a course that is going to begin this Sunday for those of you who are interested in improving your running form.  The course will be aimed towards preparing you for the 5k Run to Feed the Hungry and will consist of the following:

Sunday October 6th @ 8:30am
Pre-test 5k Run and filming of your current running form

Saturday October 12th @ 8:30-11:00am
Intro to efficient running concepts (short lecture)
Video analysis of participants
Intro to skills and drills
Begin 6 week skills and drills program

Saturday October 26th @ 8:30-10:00am
Reinforcement and additional coaching on drills
Introduce more drills
Final prep for participants to preform remainder of 6 week program

Saturday November 23rd @ 8:30am
5k Re-test and video analysis

Then you go do the 5k on Thanksgiving and kick your old-self’s ass at running.

Cost for the program will be $100 and the program will be limited to the first 8 people to email me,

A few things about the program:
The 6 week program that you will do on your own time is low volume and relatively low intensity.  You will be asked to perform only the running drills and sets Rx’ed in the program, meaning you will be forbidden to run outside of the drills and sets Rx’ed.  So there will be no long runs, and no hard running until re-test day.  That may sound crazy, but the program will be focused on improving the quality of your running.  I will be expecting your fitness to come from GPP and will ask that you sub any running in GPP for AirDyne, Row or Jump Rope.  You will get faster by the improvement of the quality of your running, not by pounding the life out of yourself on the pavement.  In other words, the 6 week program is really pretty easy and anyone can do it.

The 6 week program will take you 15-30 minutes 3x per week.  You could show up early for your GPP classes and use the running program as a warm-up if you wish.

Actually participating in the RTFH 5k is optional.  We will be having our annual morning party at Lene’s house again this year for those of you who’d rather drink mimosas and watch people run by.  More on that later.  If you want to learn to run better, send the email now and reserve your spot.

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