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Saturday FlexNasty Starting This Week!

With a Partner
AMRAP 15 Min
12 Cal Row
10 Burpee Over Rower
Rest (During Rest do 15 AbMat Situps as fast as possible)

Now that the Open is finished, we are going to start having FlexNasty Classes on Saturday mornings at 7:30! No more excuses why you can’t learn some basic gymnastic skills and work on your flexibility.

The excuses for missing FlexNasty are numerous, but schedule is no longer an issue. One excuse I hear from time to time is that people do not want to miss their GPP classes. FlexNasty always had it’s own WOD at the end of class, but if you want to do the GPP WOD in FlexNasty you can do that instead. So go to FlexNasty, work your flexibility hard, do some gymnastic skills then chose to do the FlexNasty WOD or do the regular GPP WOD. If you stay for an additional class, you will be enrolled in and billed for two classes, but the goal is for you to do everything within the hour.

Sign Up Today!!!

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