***Nutrition/WOD Accountability Program starts tonight. The first meeting is at 6:30 tonight. If you can't make it but still want to participate, email me at justin@crossfiteastsac.com and I will send you the instructions. We are looking forward to helping get you all to another level.***
5 Rounds:
5 Thrusters BW
3 Muscle Ups
5 Box Jump High As Possible
Saturday's team WOD was a lot of fun. A bit chaotic, but still a good workout. Its always fun to look around the gym and see 16 barbells getting ripped up off the floor and slammed back down again all at the same time. Hope you all had a good weekend, back to the grind.
Here is the video of February pis. If you don't see yourself, its because you weren't here, get to the gym!