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Say Hello To Coach Rae, and Our New Strength Program

5 Sets For Max
Overhead Squat + Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat

10 Rounds:
3 Push Jerks @ 50%
10 KB Swing 53/35

We're excited to announce that starting August 7th, we will be adding a strength program Tuesday's and Thursday's at 6pm and Saturdays at 11am. The program incorporates heavy lifts, emphasizing the squat, deadlift, bench, and press (and the occasional clean or snatch), and will be helpful whether you're not sure what your 1RM squat is or if you're a seasoned competitor looking to further refine your strength base. Tuesdays and Thursdays will be max effort days, and Saturdays will by dynamic effort days, so you'll see the most benefits by regularly coming to as many classes as you can. Rae Shih, who recently moved to Sacramento from New Orleans, will be coaching the class. 

Rae currently holds CrossFit Level I, CrossFit Powerlifting, and USA Weightlifting Sports Performance Coach certifications, and competed with the CrossFit NOLA team in the 2011 and 2012 South Central Regionals. She created and ran the CF NOLA powerlifting program in addition to coaching Olympic Lifting and regular CrossFit classes there. Rae won the women's division in the first CrossFit Football Occupy Strength competition, held in Chicago this past February. In this photo she's anchoring the CF NOLA team in WOD 2 of their Regionals.  Just so you know, incase you don't already, Rae can outlift most of the dudes in this gym.

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