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See You at The River

Sandbox WOD
In Teams of 4
AMRAP 25 Minutes:
-100m Uphill/Downhill Farmer Carry w/5 gallon Home Depot Buckets
-50m Sled Pull (in deep uneven sand)
-Max Rounds KB Complex
5ea Clean and Press
5ea Snatch
5ea Thruster
10 Swings
-Rest Station

Each team member performs one exercise and rotates when both the farmer carry and sled pull are finished.  KB teammates goes for max rounds of the KB complex until other two stations are finished.  Spilt buckets = 20 burpees per teammate.  Buckets will start filled to the brim and most water left in the buckets and most rounds of KB complex are the winners.  No spilling!

Meet here @ 8:30
5339 Sandburg Dr.

The weather looks nice and we are going to be working out at a great little beach right on the river. Feel free to bring/invite the family.  Bring shoes that will get trashed in wet sand.  Also I recommend a bathing suit, the weather looks awesome and the river will look inviting after the WOD.  You may want to bring an ice chest full of goodies, camping chair etc. to hang out at the river after the WOD.  We are only walking about 200 yards to the WOD destination.

Here are some pics of the site I snapped this afternoon while brainstorming the WOD.


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