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Setting an Example

With a partner, 1 at a time working, complete the following for time:
150 Steps Overhead Plate Lunge 45/25
1200m Med Ball Run 20/14 (rotate every 200m)
100 Wall Balls 20/14
1200m Row (rotate every 200m)

I have to give props to Sean Talley on many levels.  This guy shows up like clock work to his workouts, is one of the most coachable and best moving athletes in the gym, puts in extra work outside of the gym, and doesn’t skip his workouts because his shoulder is bothering him.  Sean has been dealing with some nagging shoulder pain and is currently working with Darrin to get things running smooth again.

For the time being he has to stay off overhead pressing and pull up type movements.  Last week when we had thrusters and pull ups in the same WOD, Sean showed up and scaled the WOD to hang squat cleans and burpees.  He lifted significantly more weight than was Rx’ed for thrusters and was able to get a great WOD despite the WOD calling for two movements that he needs to stay away from for now.

Even more impressive is that Sean looked at the WOD ahead of time, like you all should, and came in here with a plan.  When it came time for the WOD, he came and asked me what I thought about him doing hang cleans instead of thrusters and burpees instead of pull ups.

Way to be Sean.  This type of care and attention for your body will continue to yield you great results.

I would not expect a beginner to have the level of experience and knowledge that Sean has, but the point is he was pro-active in thinking about how to keep moving safely and did not let a little pain get in the way of progress.  We all have injuries and dysfunction to some degree.  Learning to successfully deal with your individual issues is an essential skill that most people will need to develop.  Those who do will enjoy enjoy long term fitness development and much more success.  If you struggle with aches and pains, and you aren’t sure what you should be doing to keep moving safely, talk to your coaches.  We are pretty creative at keeping people moving.  You may also want to consider some one on one training to work on mobility and strength as well as help you develop better scaling strategies for your WODs.

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