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Sharyn Zoned In

Last month concluded our Zone Challenge. Winner was decided by percentage of bodyweight lost. We had 25 people participate and it was a great group. Keeping in communication through emails and talking to each other at the gym really helped them stay on track.

Our top 3 performers were:
Sharyn Babbitt (5.7%)
China Tolliver (5.5%)
David Johnson (3.8%)

A very close race between the ladies to say the least! Since November Sharyn has lost a total of 34 pounds. She started with strict paleo following recipes. Our challenge was perfect timing for her as her weight loss had slowed. She implemented zone parameters with paleo foods and Boom!  The weight loss kept coming and she is our Zone challenge winner.

I want to thank everyone who went through the challenge. I hope it has showed you how much food we DON’T need, as well as, how to balance out your meals. I encourage you to keep with the zone until you reach your goals. Now that you’ve done it for a month it should be habit.

Congrats again Sharyn! Keep kickin ass!

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  1. David

    Great job Sharyn & China!

    And congratulations to the whole group of Zone Challenge participants. We are all winners by improving our health and fitness. I’m sticking with the zone long term to help me get to where I want to be. Good luck to everyone on reaching your own personal goals! And last but not least, big thanks to Aaron for setting us on the path and providing all the encouragement and support.

  2. Sabrina

    Good job Sharyn, China and David! It was motivating to be in this effort together.

  3. Sharyn, I am so proud of you for tackling the most difficult of all goals, nutrition. Keep up the awesome eating discipline! So cool to see people reaching goals.

  4. Chris

    That is so awesome. Great work.

  5. Annie Redman

    Congratulations, you guys! You inspire me and I’m happy for you all.

  6. Michaela

    Wow!! Good work, you guys! Sharyn, you look like a million bucks, lady!

  7. Holy shit Sharon!! How have i not been seeing you? Maybe I haven’t been RECOGNIZING you?! Absolutely stunning work in that amount of time, I’m very very impressed with you. Keep up the good work! Thank you for being such a dedicated outstanding member of our community!

  8. Colleen

    Wow! Those percentages are impressive!!! Congratulations on your sticktoitness!!!

  9. Sarah Walsh

    You look awesome!! Nice job!

  10. angela

    Congratulations Sharyn! You look stunning. I hope you are celebrating your accomplishment; it’s definitely well deserved.

    China… keep on keepin on. I’m so proud of you.

    Great job David, and everyone else. It’s hard work, but so worth it. Soon the zone will just be a part of your life, and you won’t even miss your old eating habits. You all inspire ME to clean up my eating habits.

  11. Cherie

    Congrats Sharyn, China, David for your AMAZING accomplishments and thank you AO and all you other Zoners! You have all inspired Kailee and I to clean up our eating habits (well…during weekdays at least) and I am so glad we were a part of this.

  12. laura goulding

    I was going to say something at the 15.2 workout when I saw you Sharyn, but wasn’t sure it was actually you!! CONGRATS!! You look amazing and look like you FEEL amazing! Good job to all!

  13. Sharyn B

    Thanks everyone for great compliments! Thank you Aaron for putting on this awesome challenge at just the right time! Great springboard to get back in right direction! This gym and community is amazing and inspirational! I’m honored to be a part of such an awesome place! China your blog posts have been so fun to read and laugh and gain motivation from! Keep pushing! It motivates so many of us!!

  14. Crystal

    Congrats to all of you! I’m sure it feels good to be so dedicated and have it pay off. Sharyn, you look amazing!

  15. Genevieve

    Congratulations Sharyn on such a great job! You’re inspiring me to stick to it long term.