Shoulder Press
Working Max (WM) = 90% of 1 RM
5 @ 65% WM
5 @ 75% WM
5+ @ 85% WM
*For Leaderboard, use the product of the weight lifted on your final set and the number of reps. So if you lifted 185lbs for 8 reps, your score is 185×8=1480. Put your working max, the weight lifted on the last set, and the number of reps of the last set to your notes section.
5 Rounds For Time:
10 KB Swing 53/35
25 Double Unders
The Wells Fargo building down town is presenting a beckoning WOD. Climb the 32 floor stairwell for time. What a great and different test of fitness to go run straight up 32 flights of stairs. I hear the record is around 4 minutes. Not only is this a great test of your fitness, but it will be a great CF style workout as well. If any of you are crazy enough, I will gladly lend you the 20lb vest to make it even more interesting.
I will be heading to Oroville for the Fall Strenght Challenge so I can't be at the climb. I am super bummed to miss this event. I am really hoping that some of you guys will get together and go participate in this event. Go to and check it out.
Post to comments if you are interested in participating. Rally together and make this happen. It is a great challenge and a great cause. If you need help organizing a team let me know.