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Weighted Pull Ups 5-5-5-3-3-3

For Time:
30 Power Snatches @ 65-75% 1RM
Walking Lunge 200m

Adventure WOD 2012 Flyer
Our friends at CrossFit Anywhere are hosting a one of a kind co-ed competition on September 15th. All one needs is a partner of the opposite sex. A portion of the registration will be donated to the Firebreathers In Training Club. I know the Keller’s are in. Lindsey and I are in. Sign up today because the spots are going quick.

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  1. John and I signed up too! 😉

  2. brother mike

    The fastest man in the world is into cryotherapy:
    Interesting to see how technology trickles down through the athletic world. The cryotherapy Justin posted about a few months ago, was really popularized in the last few years by Alberto Salazar (one of the coaches at the Oregon Nike Project and one time world record holder in the marathon). Now its all the rage for world class sprinters and Joe Crossfit.

  3. Mr. and Mrs. Buttslapper reporting for Adventure WOD 2012!

  4. StrangeRx

    Are there any ladies available to compete with me for this event?

  5. brother mike

    Alan, I asked Travis if he would wear a dress. He said yes, but Blair probably still wouldn’t let him compete as a couple with another guy.

  6. StrangeRx

    That’s too bad! We might have won that competition.

  7. Alan, get your lady to do it. She could put those calves to good use.

  8. Suzi

    Travis, today’s workout was one of my favorites and thanks Aaron for the help with technique.

  9. Liz

    @ stranger… We could enter as a Mother/Son team.. Let me know if your girl not interested and I would be happy to try and bring it..

  10. StrangeRx

    Liz, let’s do it! My lady friend said she will come and watch. Let’s get’er done! Look forward to competing with you. Shall I sign us up or do you want to?

  11. Liz

    You sign us up and I’ll pay :).. This is going to be fun.. Whoop whoop

  12. Brian

    I want to see Strange get his swim on. Lol