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Single arm movements

5 Rounds for Time
Run 200m
10 Pull-Ups
10 Goblet Lunges 
10 Kb Single Arm Push Press (5x Right Arm 5x Left Arm)

Note: Range of motion, stays organized and transfers the energy from core to extremity.

Single arm movements are a great way to increase strength and mid-line stability.  If you haven't attempted to go heavy during some of the barbell movements and feel that range of motion has been a limiting factor, then Kb's are a great way to increase strength while you wait/work on your flexibility. Today, everyone should have the goal to go heavy and full ROM. (Range Of Motion) 

Many of us have a problem with going heavy on a barbell push press without over extending our backs. We are told to get our heads through the window and reach full extension. Getting our heads all the way through the window on a barbell often meets with shoulder mobility issues.  Using these single arm movements can help build confidence and strength while you battle these issues.  

Today, make it a goal to get full ROM while going heavy.  Full lock out at the top of the single arm push press and no rep yourself if you don't feel you have gotten your ear completely in front of your arm at the peak of the lift.  Stay tight and organized upon the return to the rack position and wait for your hips to fully lock out before sending your KB upward.   

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  1. Also pay attention to the rack position for the kb. Knuckles under the chin, elbow points down, and entire arm is tight to the front of the body. In this position, the kb rests on the back of the forearm, the outside of the bicep, and lower part of the deltoid. Lots of arm in contact with the bell.
    This should be the start position for all kb presses. Too many CF’ers rest the kb on top of the shoulder with the elbow out to the side. Don’t be a kb rookie, full rom happens at the bottom of the movement as well as the top.

  2. I always thought the heels had to stay flat on the ground the whole time.

  3. brother mike

    Kettlebell presses, push presses and thrusters suck. I would rather snatch.

  4. Now that I can’t attend you guys do KB technique? So unfair.
    Scott, interesting point. I’m curious too. I know that with kb jerk the heel doesn’t stay flat on the ground the whole time, a vid to prove it:

  5. Totally off-topic, but I thought this was interesting – more than you ever wanted to know about the magic pullup powder, chalk.

  6. Jennifer R.

    Our hands are full of little animal skeletons when we chalk-up to lift or pull? That’s gross, amazing, profound and poetic all at once. Thanks for the link, Sabrina!

  7. brother mike

    “Technically, they are single-celled phytoplankton algae.”
    Phytoplankton are plants, zooplankton are animals. Its plant ‘skeletons’ not animals. The chalk is vegan.

  8. edgar

    Completely different subject but did you guys see this articles about CF Mean Streets in Downtown LA(sorry if it was already posted). I been to this gym and I have to say that it has not been my favorite. I spend a lot of time in LA and try to catch a WOD from time to time, I have to say I will not return to CF Mean Streets:

  9. Seems to be a gym filled with and led by d-bags (one of whom became infamous for shoving a female judge who no-repped him in the OC throwdown on his cheater thrusters).

  10. Brother mike

    The response in Sabrina’s article from Crossfit’s counsel is horrible as is Crossit’s response for not revoking that gym’s affiliate status.

  11. Lesley Heller

    FYI: When I am in LA I go to Crossfit Dog Town in Culver City on La Cienga. Nice place to catch a WOD