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Snacthing Is A Game of Split Seconds and Millimeters

For Time:
10 Box Jump 36/30"
20 Ring Dips
30 KB Swing 53/35
40 Double Unders
40 Ball Slams 30/20
30 KB Swings 53/35
20 Ring Dips
10 Box Jumps

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The above sequences show two lifters of similar stature snatching about the similar weight.  Sabrina has 93# in the top sequence and Rae has 103# in the lower sequence.  Although the positions shown in both of these lifts are good positions, Rae has a few precent advantage.

Both lifters look the same in the pocket position altghough Sabrina started her lift from here and Rae was moving up from a position just above knee level. In the finish position, you can see that Sabrina has reached full hip extension with lots of tension in the traps, wrists and elbows.  Rae has opened her hips beyond full extension to a position greater than 180 degrees and still has long relaxed arms leaving the bar closer to her hips.  Both lifters lockout positions are similar.

Although Sabrina's finish position is pretty good, you can see how Rae's is a few precent better.  These pics don't tell the whole story though.  There is an element of speed that can't be seen from still shots.  Rae's lift was considerably faster.  These shots were taken from video shot at 30 fps, so each frame represents .033333 of a second.  Rae moved the bar from pockets to finish in 8 frames, and from finish to lockout in 11 frames.  Sabrina moved the bar to finish in 9 frames, and to lockout in 14 frames. 

So Rae took .63 seconds from initiation of jump to lockout, and Sabrina took .76 seconds.  Doens't seem like a big deal right?  Well in the world of snatching this .13 second difference is an eternity and can make the difference between a proficient lifter, and great lifter.  I decided to use stills in this example vs. video so you can see clearly the positional difference that caused the difference in speed, but you would clearly see the difference in speed and explosiveness had I showed you the video.

So what's the point?  The point is to let the hips come through and do the lift.  Even though Sabrina's postion is pretty good, the tension in her arms trying to pull the bar up has introduced a weak link in the lift.  Because the arms are tense and Sabrina didn't reach the fullest of hip extension the bar is moving upward a bit slower and she will move under much slower.  Coordiantion and sequencing of the movement is the real difference here.

Stare at Rae's finish position and burn it into your brain.  Hips way open and arms long!  At that instant, shrug under that bar and lock it out as hard as possible.  Think fast not strong, and practice, practice, practice your positions.

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