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Solid Performance On Day 1, Day 2 Underway

Come out and cheer for the team!

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First day if competition was a great day.  We took 6 minutes to finish event 1 with all sets of deadlifts unborken by both the men and women.  Most of got a no rep on the handstand push up, excpet for me who got about 7 in a row for my hand being out of the square.  I was moving to fast for the judge to articulate what the problem was and never stopped so it didn't cost us too dearly.  This workout was a sprint and I was proud to see our girls Loren and CP smashing it like pros.

Event 2 went very well too.  The 18:28 finish took about a minute off our practice time.  Loren and Leah had solid rows, did pisotls with ease and lifted 135 hang cleans like they never have been able to before linking sets of 2's and 3's throughout their sets.  I 3rd on the course, rowed about a 3:20 and was never held up on my way to cleans, I actually chilled a bit because finishing faster wouldn't have helped out team.  While I got to finish at a lesuriely pace, Blake was the clean up batter whipping out non-stop pistols and smashing the 15 cleans at 225.  He finished with a set of 4!

The top 5 are real close and we expect to have stellar perfomance on the heavy DB and the squat-off-pull-upathon WODs today.  A trip to the Games is right in striking distance.

Great job team! Let's do it again!

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