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Spartan Race Finishers

AMRAP 3 Minutes:
5 Deadlift 95/65
5 Hang Power Clean
5 Burpee Over Bar
Rest 1 Minute and Repeat for 4 sets of AMRAP 3 minutes. 
Pick up where you left off after breaks.

IMG_3857Trey Teller, Calvin Wang, and Matt Brogan did the Spartan Race this past weekend.  It was reported that the race was around 15 mile long and had over 25 obstacles.

Haven’t seen Trey yet this week.  Saw Brogan at the Chiro/ART office and Calvin, who is preparing for the CIM, made it in yesterday for FlexNasty and a private running drill session.

Brogan reported that the race was long and the obstacles were underwhelming.  Sounds like a typical obstacle run.  Good job guys on putting your fitness to the test.

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