Just some of your regular gym shenanigans from the past couple weeks. From top left clockwise, Eric maxing out on tempo squats, Randal on his way to a 405# deficit deadlift, Amber and some of the ladies working on muscle up progressions, and Katy on the way up from a tempo front squat.
A reminder: all specialty classes (Strength, Oly, Flexnasty, and Yoga) are open to Foundations and Level One members alike. Check the schedule and come in to a class this week if you haven't tried it already.
This week in Strength class is the last of our current cycle:
Tues 6pm: (Banded) deficit deadlifts
Thurs 6pm: Bench/floor press and unilateral presses
Sat 11am: Speed shoulder press and a short metcon
After this cycle is over we will have 2 weeks until the Open (sign up if you haven't yet), so expect some testing of 1RMs. Get pumped!
Steve Faulk
It’s kind of a late post…but…nice job on the Strength Coaching Rae!! It’s so awesome to have you as part of the team at CFES!! You are a bad-ass coach and it’s great to see everyone making such phenomenal improvements from working with you! Eric, that’s a legit front-squat! nice job man!
Steve Faulk
I like the yellow and black bracelets too! Very cool =)