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Studying The Snatch

9-7-5 For Time:
Muscle Up
Squat Snatch 135/95

*Rx standard at the games for this WOD had two twists.  One, the rings were hung one fist width above the highest reach of the competitors and full turn out lockout was required at the bottom of each rep.  Two, the snatches had to be received and descended into the bottom position in one fluid motion.  Any pause or hesitation receiving the bar above parallel in the power position was counted as a no rep.  In other words, power snatch into overhead squat was not allowed.

Tribute to Amanda Miller video from the CrossFit Games 2010 [wmv] [mov]

The First Pull:
Pictue 1Picture 2Picture 3
During the first pull there should be no change in the angle of the back in relation to the floor.  The first pull is controlled and non-explosive.  The role of the first pull is to bring the bar from the floor up into the position where the hips can be used explosively to elevate the bar.

The Second Pull:
Picture 4Picture 5Picture 6
During the second pull the lifter transitions their body into the powerful upright position while violently extending the hips (a.k.a. jumping) to create elevation and upward momentum on the barbell.  The finish position is when the hips are fully extended and the lifter is tilted slightly backward away from the bar.  Many lifters struggle to open the hips all the way and to create the backward tilt away from the bar.  Failure to fully achieve this position will result in two bad things.  One the bar will not be elevated high enough to receive it overhead, and two the bar will drift forward of the lifter making it difficult or impossible to support in the squat position.  It is also very important that the lifter reaches the finish position with straight arms.  As Coach B says, "When the arms bend, the power ends."

The Third Pull:

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Now that the lifter has the barbell moving upward, they will have a very brief window of opportunity to pull themselves down under it and receive it overhead.    The third pull starts with a violent shrug followed by the pulling of the elbows high and outside.  The goal here is to use the barbell to pull yourself down as opposed to trying to keep pulling the bar up.  Timing the third pull immediately after the full hip extension is crucial for a successful lift.  If the lifter hangs out too long in the finish position, the barbell will be on its way down when they go to get under it.  Keeping the bar close to the body is crucial for a fast movement under the bar.  Foot work is also very important, as it will be very difficult to stand up from a less than ideal squat stance.

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Now that you have received that heavy ass bar, you have to stand up.  If up managed to open your hips all the way and hit a good finish position the bar should be right over the back of your neck.  Lets also hope that you kept your feet under you for a power and stable squat position.  Do not be in a big hurry to stand up, many lifts have been lost because the lifter is too anxious to stand up.  Take your time to make sure the barbell is aligned perfectly upward from the shoulder blades.  Once you are stable and still, go ahead and drive upward through your heels.

Photo progression compliments of Veronica of Level 10 CrossFit.

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