Hang Power Snatch 3-3-3-3-3
7 Rounds:
5 Box Jump 36"/30"
5 Each KB Snatch 53/35
I have been hearing a bunch of us talking about whats happening for the Super Bowl and were to go, but nobody seems to know for sure, so it sounds like its time for a box party. We will get a projector and a keg and bring the grill. The party will be pot luck style, so make something to eat, and bring your favorite superbowl drink. I will get the keg and set up the grill around noon. Then I'll just hang out drinking beer and doing handstands waiting for you all to show up with food. (If anyone wants the beer earlier, that can be arranged.)
Do us a favor and drop a comment letting us know if you want to come, and what you want to supply the party with. It's the Super Bowl, so all zone/paleo bets are off.