Push Press
5 Rounds for Time
5 Ground To Over-Head 50% of 1RM Snatch
Lunge Step 100' (2x Turf Length)
Bound Hop 100' (2x Turf Length)
We all see what a catchy t-shirt can do… HipFit has done a great job of promoting some of their designs. 1 or 2 times per year we design new shirts and think of ideas to promote CrossFit East Sacramento. WHAT IS YOUR IDEA? Let us know what you think to be a good logo, saying or theme! We will be placing pre-orders soon. POST YOUR IDEA TO COMMENTS!
Neon strength class shirt! Suggest some things, guys!
I know neon is more of the traditional CrossFit color, but I’d like to request one design option in solid black for those of us that like to rock the Johnny Cash look while CrossFitting.
We could definitely use some Flexnasty shirts. Again, one in black please =)
Robb had a great idea for a shirt…”Wods with friends” written in scrabble letters. Love it.
brother mike
Deadlift . . . it’s not just for breakfast anymore.
How’s your snatch? [with a picture of a man/woman at the bottom of a squat snatch]
I squat to prepare for the zombie apocalypse.
[x] do more work done in 10 minutes than most people do all day
[x] breathe fire
[x] repeat as necessary
Big Jerk [with a picture of a man/woman in a split jerk holding a huge amount of weight overhead]
Super High Intensity Training
Friends don’t let friends skip squat days
I would be down with a black on black tee, aka murdered out.
Kristy Day
Body by action…not excuses.
Kristy Day
Bod by WOD