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Team Day

For Time in Teams of 3:
100 power cleans @ 185#/115# (floor to shoulder)
100 push jerks @ 135#/95# (shoulder to overhead)
Followed by 100 burpees

The Rules:
1. During the barbell lifts, only two people can be going at once (one person will always be resting).
2. During burpees, only one person can be going at once (two people will always be resting).
3. The burpees cannot be started until both of the barbell exercises
are complete (100 reps of power cleans and push jerks are done with).
4. Teams can divide up the reps for each exercise however they see fit.
Everyone on the team must do at least one rep of each of the exercises
for their score to count.

This is the same WOD they did in Oakland last weekend for the team challenge.


Burpees, foward rolls, handstand push ups, weighted pull ups, I WANNA TALK TO SAMPSON!  Just another typical warmup at CFES.  Yesterday was fun and today is going to be even more fun.  See you all at Ernesto's tonight.

I found this video on  One of their members found it.  Pretty damn funny, check it out.

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