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The Achievements Just Don’t Stop Around Here

5 Rounds for Time:
5 Power Clean BW/.75BW
10 Box Jumps – As High As Possible


It doesn't get much better than this.  Great job Dave on some tremendous squat progress.  This is as low as one can go, low back is in good lumbar curve, weight is on heels, knees are out tracking over toes.  The only things that could make this squat a bit better are higher elbows and a more neutral head position.  With this type of technique progress, Dave will be hitting much higher loads on his squats in a very short period of time.  At the age of 52, he got 125# for 5 solid as hell reps on the front squat.  If this quality of technique continues, he will hitting 5 reps at 185 within 6 months.

Another exciting achievement occured yesterday.  We predictided it a couple days ago.  Xenia Schwed (53) got her first pull up.  We had a feeling it was time so the camera was rolling and here it is. 
Xenia Loses It… [mov] [wmv]

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