"AA Chipper"
For Time:
100ft Walking Lunge
25 Handstand Push Ups
50 Box Jumps 20/18
25 Toes To Bar
50 KB Swing 53/35
25 DB Hang Squat Cleans 30's/20's
50 Hip Extensions
25 Ring Dips
50 Push Ups
100 Double Unders
Above is the currently registered members of Team CFES for the CrossFit Open. If you are not listed, you either have not signed up, or you didn't join our team. If you signed up, but didn't join our team, just go to the games website, and click the Athletes and Teams tab then the drop down that says find a team. Type in East Sac in the search bar then click to join the team.
The following names are those who have not yet signed up for the open, but we are EXPECTING to participate. Quit messing around and get your asses signed up.
Laura Bennett
Jon Bik
Cori Boone
Sarah Cheever
Erin Cook
Gia Fazio
Angela Felsted
Ryan Hall
Anne Harty
Pat Harty
Larry Johnson
Alice Keller
Adam Lambert
Chris Lene
Cort Martellucci
Ruth McLouglin
Mallory Pascal
Carol Penney
Liz Ross
JD Sallee
Spencer Sinnett
Amy Slay
Josh Stonier
Sean Talley
Sean Villagracia
Sarah Walsh
Derek Waterman
Dave Wright
Edgar Zazueta
(Crossed out means you have recently full filled your destinies)
If you are not on this "Call Out" list and want to participate, DO IT! That is what this whole thing is about. You all have the chance to participate in the world's largest sporting competition ever. It's not about how you place as much as it is putting yourself in a competitive situation, doing the best you can, and learning about yourself as an athlete. If you are on this list and you don't participate, I am going to disown you. It's time to stop training for the sake of training and compete at something. YOU OWE THIS TO YOURSELF!
Do not worry if you can't be at all the Saturdays, we will make other arrangements for you to participate. Saturdays are where it's at though. Put yourself under the gun and go compete. That is what it's all about!
Also see the following post on the games website,
Team Spirit In Your Box