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The Crossfit Journal

AMRAP 31 Min (As Many Reps As Possible)
8 Thrusters (155/105)
6 Rope Climbs (15 ft. ascent)
11 Box Jumps (30/24)

This is a Partner WOD – Partner #1 will perform the work listed above. Partner #2 will run 400m with a plate (45/25). Once Partner #2 returns from the run, Partner #1 will grab the sandbag and begin their 400m, while Partner #2 continues work wherever #1 left off.

CrossFit Journal: The Performance-Based Lifestyle Resource

        It has come to my attention that some of you do not have a subscription to the Crossfit Journal.  Though I recognize that this may not apply to many of you who've been a part of this community for a significant period of time (though maybe it does), if you are interested in taking your fitness to the next level I cannot recommend this enough.  I was naive in thinking that every person got their start in Crossfit, as I did, by watching videos and pursuing articles of interest but the reality is that some of you may have not been exposed in this manner.  The Crossfit journal is a cheap, convenient, and addictive online magazine that offers thousands of hours of information on every possible element of fitness from weightlifting to nutrition.  The journal can give tips on training your goats from butterfly pullups to squat cleans and also offers amazing stories on everyday crossfitters.  Rather than accepting two sentence responses from your coaches on highly complex issues why not instead find more thorough explanations than our time will allow.

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  1. I can definitely vouch for the CFJ’s amazingness. I recommend it to anyone. I spend hours on there and always learn so much. Speaking of which… I just was reminded to renew my subscription.

  2. Great point Blake. So many of you come into the gym, spend your two or three hours a week here, and expect to get good at this stuff. The people who are getting good at this stuff are the ones who are spending their free time reading, visualizing, and learning. You want to get better, use your resources.

  3. Also, nice work on linking the image to the journal. You really were paying attention when I showed you how to do this.

  4. Jamie P

    Epic and brutal partner WOD. Thanks, Olga, for putting up with me! As I trudged through the 31 minutes of suffering in my pain cave, I thought about 10-year-old Braydon Nichols. His dad was the pilot of the Chinook that was shot down on August 6, 2011. The 31 minutes didn’t seem that bad after all. It’s the least I can do. Along with my donation to 31 Heroes. If you haven’t donated yet, you can still do so through their site
    Honor Heroes.

  5. John Michelmore

    Congratulations Crossfit, again, for putting this WOD (and fundraising opportunity) out there for us! Too many good people have suffered and sacrificed for us…..and, outside of things like this, we don’t take enough time in our busy lives to realize that. While the workout was miserable, it was nothing in comparison to what the real heroes have to endure! Thanks again, to THEM.

  6. Eileen

    Ditto John! Thank you, Joan, for working your tail off with me, and thank you, Blake, for getting my form back as I was struggling through those last few thrusters. Great job to everyone who tackled this one today.

  7. Jessica

    And thanks to the crossfitters at cfes for being so awesome and truly all working together today to get us all through this tough workout!! I’m proud to have been a part of this with you all and am glad for the opportunity to pay my respects!

  8. Nice work everybody!
    Justin: what I know is that with a 44kb swing, I can tell the difference between doing it right and not. So I learned something — heavier weights require better form. Cheers.

  9. Well said, John. That thought was actually what spurred me on during those tweener 400m sandbag runs. Great teamwork today, Jamee! And thanks again, Jamie P., for the loaner sandbag.