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The Skill Level Program Is Working Great!

"Pre-Coffee Team WOD"
4 Rounds For Max Reps-
In teams of 5, rotate through the following stations,
30 sec on, 30 sec rest, rotate

Back Squat 225/135
5 Yard Line Drill (touch line with hand)
Box Jump 24"/20"
Double Unders
Row for cal

In the background the Foundations class is performing hang power cleans in their WOD, while in the foreground the On-Rampers are just beginning to learn the movement.  Things are running much more smoothly since the introduction of On-Ramp and Foundations.  The flow of traffic and use of equipment is much better and motivated individuals are making progress at an outstanding rate. 

With that said, some of you in the Foundations program are reaching the skill level required to pass the Level I test.  If you feel you are ready to take the test, set up an appointment with one of the coaches and give it a shot.  In the worst case, you don't pass, you will at least know what it is that you need to focus on to attain a well rounded CrossFit proficiency.  We can give you some instruction on how to fix whatever is holding you back and then you can then shift your focus to achieving those skills.

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