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The Skills Test

All of the following for time:
Rest 2:00 minutes
1 Mile Run
Rest 2:00 minutes
30 Burpee Pull Ups

Kalista is 30 squat clean and jerks at body weight.  Go as heavy as you can.  Men's Rx pull up bar for burpee pull ups is the garage door and women is the standard height bar on the structure.  Do not subtract the 2 minute rests from your final time.

Skill Proficiency Test from CrossFit East Sac on Vimeo.

This portion of the test is designed to show that you have a well rounded, entry level skill set that will allow you to perform most CrossFit WODs effectively. Each person will struggle with different parts of this test. Here we aim to identify significant weaknesses and then exploit them until they are no longer weaknesses.

#1 Tabata Squat:
8 Rounds of
:20 sec Air Squat
:10 sec Rest
*You must perform at least 10 body weight squats with a full range of motion in each :20 second work interval.

#2 Sit-Ups:
Using an ab-mat with your feet anchored under dumbells you must perform at least 30 sit-ups in 1 minute or less. Shoulders must touch the floor at the bottom of the sit-up, and elbows must touch the knees at the top.

#3 Kipping Pull-Ups:
Perform 10 consecutive rythmic kipping pull-ups with out stopping. You may use a blue or red band if needed, but you may not stop at any point once you complete the 1st rep. Full range of motion is required, arms straight at the bottom and chin above the bar at the top.

#4 Push-Ups:
Men must perform a set of 10 push-ups, and women must perform a set of 5 push-ups. Push-ups must be full range of motion chest to the floor and elbows locked at the top. You must stay in push-up position the entire time, and no snaking is allowed.

#5 Hang Power Cleans:
Perform a set of 10 hang power cleans, jumping the bar from thigh level up onto the shoulders.  Men will use 95# and women will use 63#. Once the bar is picked up off the floor it may not be lowered below knee level until all 10 reps are complete.

#6 Double Unders:
Perform 10 successful double unders in less than 1 minute. You may do the double unders in any combination of singles and doubles, as long as the jump rope successfully goes under your feet twice with out stopping.

#7 Box Jumps:
You will have one minute to complete 10 box jumps. Men will jump to a 24" box and women to a 20" box. Both feet must jump and land together and you must stand all the way up at the top of each rep.

#8 Running:
You must run 400m on our parking lot course in 2:05 or less.

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