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The Stage Is Set

“The Stadium WOD”

30 Wallballs 20lbs/14lbs to a 10 ft target
Row 300m
30 Box jumps 20"
30 KB swings 53/35
30 DB Push press / Push jerk 40’s/25’s
30 Deadlifts 225/135

If you couldn’t be here with us, the least you can do is feel our pain.  Try your best to come as close to Rx’ing this as you can without overdoing it.  You will have to go to a globo, so here’s the deal.  If you can’t do wall ball sub thrusters with DB’s at 40’s/25’s.  There should be a rower, but if there is not do 30 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls at 75/55 with a barbell (stop at mid shin if you do not have bumpers on your bar.)  Use anything you can find to do box jumps (if you must use a rebok aerobic step, please be careful not to fall or kick the step.)  If there are no kettlebells use 55/35 dumbells hold both hands on the grip.  For deadlifts without bumpers less than 135 place weight plates under the bar so the starting position is at mid shin.  If possible perform the WOD with teammates in the fasion described on yesterdays post.  Good luck to all, we know that you wanted to be here, and we know you are here in spirit.

This place is phenomenal!  When you set foot on the ranch, a chill runs down you spine.   This place has all the glory of heaven mixed with the misery of hell.  You can feel the energy rising up out of the dirt and flowing through your body.  Some of the most amazing athletic performances ever have occurred in this arena.   Our team is amped and ready to take on the world.  Today we are at the proving ground and we will leave here knowing where we stand amongst the CrossFit gods.  Competition is in our nature and CrossFit is the pinnacle of human competition.  This is our sport at its very best.

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