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There’s Something About Mary

AMRAP 15 Minutes:
9 Deadlift 155/100
12 Games '10 Style Push Ups
15 Box Jumps 24"/20"

It's absolutely epic to see a grandmother curled up in fetal position after going all out on a sled pull interval.  How many of you know a grandparent who would go after a workout hard enough to end up flat-backed?  On top of that, how many of them would come back the next with a good attitude and a smile ready for more?  Only in CrossFit baby!  Her doctor might say this is dangerous, and we would tell him that it's more dangerous for her not to do this stuff.  Oh and by the way, Mary's blood work has improved dramatically since starting CF, more on that to come later.

Mary, you are really something.  Thank you for your outstanding efforts.  You are an inspiration to us all.

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