"The Big Game"
AMRAP 3+ Hours
2 Sausage Balls
12 Nachos
1 Beer
The last few months work is starting to come to life. Many of the key pieces of the Sac-Town Throwdown have arrived.
So far we have 80 4×6 stall mats. We have 500ft of 1 1/4" pipe with 98 connectors make up the gymnastic structures. We have 6000 lbs of atlas stones have been produced and delievered. Friday we will be making a trip to a couple local gyms and bringing out all the other fun stuff.
110 volunteers are registered plus the volunteers from the police department and the city will be pitching in.
Volunteers, please show up and register at the front entrance between 6:30 and 7:00 am. Late volunteers get the less fun jobs.
A rock solid scoring system is in place. Updates will be posted to this websites as often as possible throughout the day, and you will know who is winning, and you will go home on time.
On Friday afternoon we will release videos with the day 1 workouts, movement standards, along with scoring and heat times. You will all come Saturday moring knowing exacly how the day will unfold. For now just expect non-stop action.
Team Check-ins are Saturday morning from 7:00-7:45am.
Opening ceremonies will start at 8:00 AM and WODS will be going by 8:30 AM.
You can expect to be done on Saturday by 4:30 PM, and done Sunday by 1:00 PM.
Please try to keep questions to a minimum so I can be focused on the important details that make this a great event. Everything you need to know will be on the sactownthrowdown.com site by the time you need to know about it.