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This Soylent Isn’t People

Find 1RM Power Snatch In 15 Minutes

3 Rounds For Time:
Run 400m
15 Overhead Squats 75/45

RX+ 95/65

Member Josh Tosney told me about this the other day. After looking at the ingredients, I don’t believe this would be beneficial for a performance based lifestyle/sport like CrossFit. Josh brought up the point that the modern diet is horrible, so maybe this would be a step up for a lot of people. He said this could be successful in certain circles like paranoid survivalists, people too busy/lazy to cook, etc.
I, just like many others, enjoy food. This would most definitely not work for me. What’s your take on this diet/lifestyle?

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  1. Jennifer R.

    The formula is predicated on the questionable notion that we know exactly what our nutritional needs are and how those nutrients are made bio-available. A cursory google search shows that there is a raging debate on these issues.

    Who were the nutritional experts he consulted?

    Also, if this product becomes widely used, what will happen to the food supply chain–especially in impoverished areas? It seems to me that this product will make people dependent on distant factories.

    What will happen to our jaws if they are no longer/rarely used for chewing?

    Will this product make us even more disconnected from our bodies than we already are?

    This product seems to be too big a jump into the unknown–especially when so many of the problems mentioned by the maker are easily solved in other ways.

  2. John Michelmore

    Does it come in Bacon flavor????

  3. My intuition says “YUCK!” The name of it sounds like something that leaks from one’s ass hole. Curious to see just how this effects the health of the smug few who think drinking a laboratory concoction as their main source of nourshiment. Wouldn’t be surprised their skin turns pink like a fetal pig and their hair falls out. Hell give it a shot!

  4. Brother Mike

    Hey, they can save all that time in food prep, which is important because the 90 seconds they had been spending microwaving a frozen burrito was a serious drain on their Call of Duty time.

  5. Josh

    Aaron, I don’t think it would work for me either, but I’m interested to hear more about why you don’t think it would be beneficial for active types. Even as an occasional meal replacement or a mere dietary supplement? Also, what about the idea of adapting the formula to a more active lifestyle? Any merit to that?

    Here’s a good article:

    Here’s Charlton Heston’s take: